Saturday, August 22, 2015

Shatterproof Challenge & Zombie Croquet

Addiction is preventable and treatable. In the United States alone, alcohol and other drugs claim more than 135,000 lives every year — 370 people every day, 15 every hour. Shatterproof is a national organization committed to protecting our children from addiction to alcohol or other drugs and ending the stigma and suffering of those affected by this disease.

Shatterproof will work to educate, empower and equip parents, families, educators, health care providers, legislators, and others to address addiction head on. We are building a national organization to address serious gaps in funding and resources for the disease of addiction.

I accepted the challenge to rappel down 22 stories of a building in Columbus, OH on Thursday, August 06, 2015 to make an impact on the prevention, treatment, and recovery of this disease. And I did it! It was a lot of fun, though I don't think I'll ever rappel from quite that height again.

I arrived at 1:30, checked in and got two shirts. I chose to wear the long sleeve one, since it was a bit cool and windy that day. They took me to a room where a guy strapped on my harness, radio, and helmet. I was taken to the roof, where someone else gave me a crash course in rappelling. It's actually pretty easy! There was a back-up mechanism that would lock if I went more than 3 ft/sec, so no worries about flying down the side of the building!

Then I was up, off the roof and hanging in the air! It's a pretty freeing feeling, and I loved the view! Things got hard about halfway down, when my muscles went, 'hey you. What the hell are you trying to do? You're not in shape for this!' But I made it to the bottom, and that was that. Had a few pictures taken, then went home and got dressed up for zombie croquet on the statehouse lawn! And no, we did NOT have a permit for that.

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